Resume versus Networking

ImageI have a theory:

Networking works far better than sending a cover letter and resume.

The last three websites I created were contacts I’d made at my server job. I didn’t spend a single second writing a cover letter, I simply blabbed all about my web design infatuation.






A personal face-to-face meeting, even to talk about the dinner specials, somehow gets people comfortable with your personality. They get to view you as you are; Your body language, smile, amicability, politeness, and professional attitude.

Believe me, I spent many hours applying for jobs–laboring over a cover letter, sending it to my professor for a quick edit, and overhauling my resume. Does that mean my cover letter and resume stink? I don’t think so. However, at this point in my career, I believe ample money-hungry people out there have more experience than I do. They’ve simply had more time in the job force. That’s OK. I will continue networking. In fact, I may soon receive a web design deal that could lead to a technical writing position.

And one more thing. I thank God that I am following His will, and not my own. I firmly believe that potential employers have not hired me because it’s just not the right time for me to have a full time job.

Next time…How did my students do with their HTML quick-training course?

How to Deal with Website Maintenance

ImageMy next website has launched at

But it’s not finished.

And how can it be? The internet is always changing, as are the fashion trends of my most recent site. Since this one falls into the “Shopping Website” category, it is especially tricky.

Our solution? My clients want to add their own inventory. Ok, great! How do we do it? A how-to guide, of course (Three cheers for technical writing).

My guide will equip my clients to add their own inventory by…


  1. Resizing and saving their pictures (using Paint of course)
  2. Uploading their pictures to the server
  3. Using paypal to make their payment buttons & forms
  4. Manipulating the html code to reflect each item with the picture, description, and payment buttons.

Don’t worry. I am still called in to recreate banners, graphics, headers, and menu bars as the styles and seasons change in fashion.

Will my clients run with their new torch of web design skills? I’ll let you know after our training session!

Priorities for Jump-Starting a Website (part 2)

sprigIn part one you’ll recall that we already completed the following steps:

1. Met with our client

2. Researched other websites and SEO keywords

3. Outlined and began building our template

In the midst of our build, we will forge onward!!



Fourth, research and build simultaneously. Researching other websites constantly while building yours is very helpful in reminding you of the great ideas of graphic and data display that you want to use. Develop the menu, header, and basic outline on Photoshop.

Copywrite Sarah Jurina

The second draft of the online store I am currently building. Click the picture to view the post regarding this build.

Fifth, meet with your client-again. Meet in person, or send an email to, your client showing them your template screenshot (see mine above). Meeting in person is best, because they can explain in length what they like and don’t like. Then, you can change it with them watching and see if they like the new version. It also encourages your client that you respect their desires and shows them you are great at what you do.

Sixth, get the go-ahead. You have everything how you want it and how your client likes it. Now let them know you want to begin placing it on Dreamweaver. Assure them it won’t be live yet.

Last, send your client a log. Send a log of what work you have accomplished and how long it has taken. Let them know if you think you are on schedule according to your estimate.

Do you have any advice for web designers in the early stages of the build? How about links to great templates you like?

Next time…We will learn what can remedy your wrist and back pain

Keep an eye open…I will be posting a podcast addressing the necessity for on-going web edits for a completed site.

Priorities for Jump-Starting a Website

Sarah JurinaDid you know?

Freelance web designers are also graphic artists, content developers, data organizers, SEO experts, interviewers, collaborators, visual designers, researchers, and so much more.

Many of these skills go to work in the beginning stages of a website build. Before starting Dreamweaver, or your ftp file manager, make sure that you execute the following priorities:

First, meet with your client. You need to do this a lot, unless your client doesn’t really care what the outcome is and leaves it all to you. Ask your client their expectations for the website; What information and links might they need? Do they have a letterhead or graphic that you need to include in the header? Are there specific colors you need to use? Then draw up a contract to summarize what you believe their expectations are for the website. Include your prices and an estimate for how long it will take.

Second, research. Browse other websites that are in the same genre. Get an idea for a good template. Record what ideas you want to incorporate, and what tactics you want to avoid for your own website. Also research SEO keywords. Shirley Kaiser has a fantastic guide for optimizing SEO from start to finish.

Sarah Jurina

Third, build a template. Draw out a template on paper first. My templates are a little strange looking since I have no drawing skills, so don’t be afraid if you’re the only one who can decode it. Ask yourself if all the links are included, and decide how much effort you want to put into the header. The header is the name of the website. If you need to create a new one, then consider the colors and how simple or complex you want to make it. What aura does the website need to give off? The header needs to be a capsule of the website itself.

Did I miss anything in the steps already mentioned? Do you have any questions? Please let me know!

Next time…there are a few more actions before starting your website!

After that…what gadgets should you have at your desk to avoid back and wrist issues?

Web Design Stores Continued

fireTo answer my previous question, yes my client accepted the web design estimate! And, I adopted another client in the process. Get this: now we are integrating sales in activewear with handmade jewelry! Yes, it can be done. Our creativity was overflowing a few days ago coming up with ideas to connect them.

The answer was a little Kate Spade:

And a slight fashion update in the activewear inventory

So, how will I visually tie them together on the website?

  • Matching colors of the items used in the graphics
  • Matching themes (seasons, “ways of living”, etc.)
  • Getting together and taking pictures of the products in one shot

Here is just a taste of what I have started:


And that’s just a rough draft of one graphic.

Next time…The layout finished, we will grasp the shopping cart handles and push through the new code.

Do you have any ideas of integrating the two genres into one website? Let me know!

Shopping Cart Websites

ImageMy web design career spans back to when I was 13 and built HTML-based websites and uploaded them to a free host. Nowadays, newfangled programs like Photoshop and Dreamweaver make designing and building websites more fun. I have taken the time to learn these intriguing programs, and now I have people asking me to design their websites.


My most recent tasks include three separate requests for websites with shopping carts. This I have not done! So with a little research, some trial-and-error, and even my pal Trude (aka Photoshop), let us commence! May my mistakes and successes in this project provide you with a path free of uprooted roots and fallen branches.


Before I could begin the project, I had to do some research:

  1. What code should I use to build the shopping cart?
  2. How much should I charge my client?
  3. What are all the tasks I need to complete for the project?



I found a spectacular free code for producing shopping carts. NOPDesign wrote a Javascript code that will link to a payment processor (like Paypal) at the end of the user’s shopping trip. The code is here. NOPDesign’s code will make a shop that looks like this. Furthermore, NOPDesign even created help forums where users and tech support have answered numerous questions regarding the cart. The only thing I can think of to do is kiss their feet…but I’ll wait until my code works to do that.


I have not yet charged for producing a website. I made a website for my employer’s restaurant, but he payed me in pizza. I located a helpful blog post by Connor Turnbull called The Web Designer’s Guide to Pricing. My main dilemma is that I may be slow to get this new code working properly, and I don’t want to charge my small business owner $25/hour for me to understand code. However, if the shopping cart and web design proves to be breezy, then I don’t want to charge her $15/hour and undercut myself.

What is the answer?!

  • Estimate the number of hours needed to complete each part of the project
  • Multiply those numbers by my hourly wage (I chose $15)
  • Let my client know that if I go over the expected hours, or she adds tasks, the prices will reflect


I was overwhelmed by the scope of this project until I started making an estimate for my client to agree on. I listed each task, and a few details so my client would understand why it takes so blastedly long to complete them.

It looks something like this:

The purpose of this project is to develop a brand new website with a shopping cart to host the 330+ items that you currently sell at ThatsALotofItems Company

  • Website: Written, Designed, and Implemented                                       $180.
  • Shopping Cart: Writing HTML&Java plus Descriptions&Categories   $225.
  • GoDaddy Fees for one year                                                                 $13.17

I request 50% of payment before the project initiates, and 50% upon completion.

I will provide you with weekly updates on what tasks I have accomplished, and collaborate with you on colors, banners, and overall site design to ensure you receive the desired results. I expect the project will be completed in about three weeks, barring any extenuating circumstances.

I estimated that the shopping cart would take 15 hours, and the website would take 12 hours. I have a feeling it will take longer, but I have insured myself against that possibility. In addition, I chose $15 because it is my first gig, and my client owns a small business. Future hourly charges will depend on the client needs and my growing experience.

Next Time…Will my client accept the estimate? What will the weeks ahead prove for my next web pursuit?

Do you have any experience in web design? What is your advice to a person just beginning their web design career?